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JSON Mapping in Piriti
Following a proposal by Jerome
Louvel, I added JSON mapping to Piriti. Piriti is a JSON / XML mapper for GWT based on annotations and deferred
To map JSON data you have to annotate your model classes with @JsonField annotations. In case you have the following
JSON structure:
{isbn:"978-0345417954",pages:432,title:"The Hotel New Hampshire",author:{firstname:"John",surname:"Irving",},reviews:["A hectic gaudy saga with the verve of a Marx Brothers movie.","Rejoice! John Irving has written another book according to your world.","Spellbinding, intensely human, a high-wire act of dazzling virtuosity."]}
You can use the following code to map the JSON data to your model:
publicclassBook{interfaceBookReaderextendsJsonReader<Book>{}publicstaticfinalBookReaderJSON=GWT.create(BookReader.class);@JsonFieldStringisbn;@JsonFieldintpages;@JsonFieldStringtitle;@JsonFieldAuthorauthor;@JsonFieldList<String>reviews;}...publicclassAuthor{interfaceAuthorReaderextendsJsonReader<Author>{}publicstaticfinalAuthorReaderJSON=GWT.create(AuthorReader.class);@JsonFieldStringfirstname;@JsonFieldStringsurname;}...StringjsonString=...;// The JSON structure (see above);