We’re currently working on a new feature for the JBoss Admin Console. The console should become independent from the rest of the JBoss AS distribution. As the console is built with GWT and “merely” consists of static resources like HTML, JavaScript and CSS, the idea is to have a dedicated host which serves these resources. When loading the console the user can manage a list of server instances and chooses the one he likes to connect to. The server instances are stored in the browsers local storage, so they will be available the next time the console is launched:
New Job
Today is my first day in my new job at RedHat. I’m excited to join the EAP core team and looking forward to the things to come…
How to Use Velocity to Generate Code in GWT→
The JSON/XML mapper Piriti is heavily based on deferred binding and code generation.
As I started to implement code generators in Piriti I looked around how other projects deal with it and read through
the official documentation on the
GWT site. The usual way to generate code is to extend com.google.gwt.core.ext.Generator
and then call
GeneratorContext.tryCreate(TreeLogger, String, String)
. The returned PrintWriter is then often wrapped into
some kind of IndentedWriter
like the one used by GWT itself. This class adds methods to indent and unindent code and supports printf()
behaviour. Finally the writer is used to generate all code.
Announcement: Piriti 0.7.0b1→
I’m pleased to announce the first beta of the upcoming Piriti 0.7.0 release. Piriti 0.7.0 is a major release with breaking API changes, lots of new features and bugfixes.
Taoki and Karaka Mentioned in GWT-GAE-Book
Taoki and Karaka are mentioned in the free online book on GWT and AppEngine development by Marius Andreiana.
The book covers also a lot of GWTP and its core examples are great illustrations for many features of the framework! It also makes use of Gin, Guice, Twig-Persist, Mockito and many other useful tools.
Go check it out: http://code.google.com/p/gwt-gae-book/
Many thanks to Marius for such a valuable resource, and congratulations on publishing it!
Announcement: Piriti 0.6
I’m pleased to announce Piriti 0.6. This is a major update which adds support for JSONPath expressions. Please take a look at the release notes for further info.
Karaka - Time Recording Made Easy→
Currently I’m developing a personal time recording tool based on GWT and deployed at Google App Engine. Besides being useful I wanted to use the latest web techniques / frameworks in a real application. Karaka uses the following stack:
Paging in Resources→
A common requirement for resources which return large collections of records is paging. Paging can be implemented in many different ways.
Announcement: Piriti 0.4
I’m pleased to announce Piriti 0.4. This is a major update which adds support for namespaces in XML document and XPath expressions. Please take a look at the release notes for further info.
New XML Parser for GWT→
I’m pleased to announce the first release of Totoe. Totoe is a XML parser for GWT which comes with XPath and namespace support. It originated from Piriti a JSON and XML mapper for GWT.